Tandem skydiving FAQ2021-05-02T13:50:10+02:00

Tandem skydiving – FAQ

Are there any group discounts?2019-05-19T22:07:43+02:00

No, unfortunately not!
We are very sorry, but we do not offer any discount.

Are there any health conditions for skydiving?2017-04-09T12:30:17+02:00

Yes, there are.

The cases which exclude skydiving are the following:
Fracture within the past year, any accident involving articulatory or internal injuries or concussion, spine, heart and circulatory problems (high blood pressure), osteoporosis, epilepsy and any disease involving regular vertigo or fainting, seizure or convulsion. Skydiving is also excluded if the person is subject to any medical, mental or neurological treatment and (in case of ladies) if pregnant.

Each passenger has to fill in a declaration before skydiving in which he/she signs and thereby confirms that none of the above applies to him/her.
For other complaints not mentioned here, please contact your doctor and request a declaration of fitness to perform a tandem skydive.

Is there a weight limit to tandem skydiving?2023-07-20T20:00:30+02:00

The upper weight limit is 95 kgs for male and 85 kgs for female participants.
Unfortunately, we can’t take anyone for the jump in case of body weight exceeding the upper limit!
Weight should be understood with your shoes and clothes on.
In case the body shape is different from the average, the weight and height ratio is also important. In this respect, we follow international practice.
In case of 95 kg body weight a male participant needs to be min. 178 cm tall, in case of 85 kg body weight a female participant needs to be min. 176 cm tall.

Is there an age limit to tandem skydiving?2021-09-20T18:50:08+02:00


There is no lower age limit, but the participant has to be at least 140 cm tall.
Written consent and personal presence of the parent is required under the age of 18.
The upper age limit is 60 years which means that you can jump until you reached the 60th years of age.

Do I need to show any ID/other documents on the spot for registration?2017-04-09T12:00:35+02:00

Yes, you do.

A valid official (government issued) identity card or passport is required on the spot to register for the jump.

Can I jump if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs?2017-04-09T11:50:30+02:00

No, you cannot.

You are not allowed to jump if you consumed any food or drink that contains alcohol, tranquilizers or drugs 12 hours preceding the jump. Parachuting with a hangover isn’t the real thing either. If the tandem instructor considers that you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs he can refuse to jump with you.

What physical effort does the jump and landing require?2017-04-09T11:40:24+02:00

Neither free fall, nor the opening of the parachute or – contrary to common belief – landing involves any special physical strain. Free fall is basically a floating feeling with the difference that you sense a 200 km/h air resistance in the meantime, primarily on your face and on all your body. Your ears might pop a bit after chute activation if you are sensible to this but it can be stopped immediately with a very simple method. Modern, air cell parachutes gradually slow free fall down, so no need to be afraid of the parachute pulling very violently. Landing is completely the tandem master’s job, the passenger only needs to raise his or her legs and putting them down only when the parachute completely stopped, so physical strain is out of the question altogether.

Can I jump in glasses or contact lenses?2023-05-05T12:33:32+02:00

Basically yes, but…

Each tandem passenger is given a pair of parachute protective goggles, which protect the eyes against the strong wind while freefalling.

We recommend that you jump in contact lenses if you can. It is much more comfortable and looks better in the video.

If you insist, you can jump in glasses at your own risk. We can provide parachute goggles that you can wear your own glasses under.

Due to extreme conditions and strong winds, the glasses may be blown off by the wind or the contact lenses may fall out and be lost. Unfortunately, we cannot accept responsibility or compensation for these.

Is eating and drinking recommended before tandem skydiving?2017-04-09T11:20:24+02:00

Food (not too heavy) and drink can be consumed few hours before the jump without any problem. Please do not arrive with an empty stomach! Blood pressure may drop easily after the jump on an empty stomach, which can lead to symptoms of slight dizziness or minor indisposition. Free fall does not resemble the roller coaster at all, so you don’t need to be afraid of getting sick! However if you have travel sickness (you are usually sick in a car, on a bus or an air-plane), it is recommended to take the right medication before the jump!

Consuming alcohol 8 hours before the tandem jump (according to skydiving rules) is not allowed  and parachuting with a hangover isn’t the real thing either.

How should I dress for a tandem skydive?2017-04-09T11:00:58+02:00

Tie up shoes (e.g. running shoes) are mandatory. It is recommended to wear comfortable sporty clothes. In case of warm/hot weather a short and t-shirt is OK (no collars! no sleeveless or strappy top!). We supply all the special gear for everyone: skydiving goggles and jumpsuits (in case of hot weather: skydiving pants only) you need to wear on top of your clothes.

Can I bring my own camera for the jump?2017-04-09T10:50:56+02:00

No, it is not possible.

The skydiving rules and safety regulations do not allow for tandem passengers to bring their own cameras or any other devices with them for the tandem jump.

Even an experienced skydiver must have at least 200 jumps and a B license to take his own camera for the jump.

When can I jump?2022-07-24T16:02:36+02:00

We usually jump from April/May to October on every WEEKEND.

DURING WEEKDAYS: In case of a bigger group, we can organize a jumps depending on the availability of the staff and the aircraft. Please inquire about the options!

In the booking calendar you only see the available time intervals (where are free slots), you can choose from them.
If you do not find a suitable one, please inquire by e-mail and subscribe to the waiting list. If a slot becomes available on the desired day and time, we will notify you immediately!

Where does tandem skydiving take place?2017-04-09T10:30:18+02:00

The skydiving location is the DUNAÚJVÁROS AIRPORT. It is located on road 6, about 8 km south from Dunaújváros town.
It is just 40 minutes drive from Budapest on M6 motorway.

You can find detailed information (itinerary, map, coordinates, route planner) under “Location” in the menu.

Is there a possibility for tandem skydiving in Budapest?2017-04-09T10:20:11+02:00

Unfortunately there is not. Ever since the approx. 50 km capital area has been declared a TMA air space, it is out of the question. This means that due to international air traffic we are not allowed to ascend higher than 1500 meters, which is not enough for tandem skydiving! So we need to go a bit further from the city to do tandem jumps!

The Dunaújváros Airport where we jump is just 40 minutes drive from Budapest on M6 motorway. 3500 and 4000 m jump height and the amazing views of the Danube river worth a bit more travel!

Do I need to register in advance for the tandem jump?2017-04-09T10:10:57+02:00

You need to book the tandem skydive in advance.

It is recommended to book a slot at least 2-3 weeks in advance, but if you running late you can try to book it 1-2 days prior the planned date as sometimes there are couple of free slots.

Do I have to decide in advance if I want a video/photos?2017-04-09T10:00:14+02:00

That is right. We need to know before the jump whether we should prepare for a handy camera, outside camera or handy+outside camera record. You need to inform us about the type of the video you’d like to have at the time of your booking. You can try to make an upgrade or change on the spot, but possibilities are limited. So the best is to decide in advance and book the right type of the jump!

How long does the tandem skydive take?2021-07-28T20:34:14+02:00

A jump (1 takeoff) usually takes 2 hours, in full.

Registration and preparation takes approx. 30-40 minutes. During this time you will be prepared for the jump by your tandem instructor, you will get the necessary equipment (clothing, goggles, harness) and then it will come the jump itself. The jump itself is also approx. 30-40 minutes. (flight/ascent to jump altitude, free fall, parachute descent, landing). And in the next 30-40 minutes, you can change your clothes, relax and tell about one of the greatest adventures of your life – during this time we will make your video (if requested) and if you want, you can watch it on the big screen!

Regardless of the fact that it takes only 2 hours, we recommend to leave enough time for a tandem skydive – at least a half day – so that in case an unexpected situation (eg. we need to wait a bit because of the weather) you do not loose the chance for the jump!

Is it one camera/video enough to order for more of us?2017-04-09T09:40:19+02:00

No, not really!
One internal camera or an external camera can record more participants on the ground during preparation and in the airplne during the flight, but not after exiting the airplane! The tandems are too far away from each other so that one camera can record only one participant in freefall. So if two of you jump together and you both would like to be recorded you need to order videos separately (one video per person).

What is the jump altitude?2024-04-15T10:26:11+02:00

You can currently jump with us from a height of 3500 meters.

When do I get the video of my tandem skydive?2024-04-15T10:38:10+02:00

A Full HD video of your tandem skydive will be edited after you land and uploaded to a video storage together with your photos. Within a few hours, you will receive a link via email, which you can use to download your video and photos. The link is valid for 5 days, after which the files are deleted.

You can watch the completed video on the spot on a large TV screen together with your companions!

Is there a possibility for more of us to jump tandem at the same time?2017-04-09T09:20:18+02:00

Yes. Two of you can jump together if the chosen package is the base or 1 camera video package.

With a 2 or 3 camera video package, only 1 tandem (1 tandem passenger + 1 tandem master) can go up for the jump at a time, as additional slots are occupied by camera operators, so an additional tandem pair could not fit on the load.

When and how can I pay?2023-04-09T20:58:51+02:00

To book a slot, a booking fee of 30 000 HUF/person (80 EUR/person) is required at the time of booking. The booking fee is included in the total price. The remaining amount must be paid in cash on the spot at the time of the jump.

Accepted payment methods:
– Online credit card payment (at the time of booking)
– Cash on the spot (settlement of the remaining amount on the spot, at the time of the jump)

What if the weather is not suitable for tandem skydiving?2017-04-09T09:00:18+02:00

Should there be heavy wind or rain, or in case of low clouds and haze the jump has to be delayed or we need to wait until the weather gets better. As in freefall we fall faster than the rain, it is pretty uncomfortable to fall in rainy weather or through a wet cloud. What is more, the camera doesn’t capture too much of the show either. And in case of strong wind landing can get to a certain degree dangerous.

If we can see clearly that the weather will not be suitable for skydiving, we will postpone the jumps and  send a notification about that to you (according to your given contact details) so that you do not travel unnecessarily to the jump location.

It can happen that the weather changes suddenly and it can bad for only short time. In this case we cannot do anything else but wait for the weather to improve.


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